::BoOk ReViEw::

assalamualaikum and salam satu ummah!! looking forward to buy this book!!!

even though...(the truth)

I (quite) fancy books but not readings!

In Teachers as Cultural Workers, Freire speaks directly to teachers about the lessons learned from a lifetime of experience as an educator and social theorist. Freires' words challenge all who teach to reflect critically on the meaning of the act of teaching as well as the meaning of learning. He shows why a teachers success depends on a permanent commitment to learning and training, as part of an ongoing appraisal of classroom practice. By opening themselves to recognition of the different roads students take in order to learn, teachers will become involved in a continual reconstruction of their own paths of curiosity, opening the doors to habits of learning that will benefit everyone in the classroom. In essays new to this edition, well-known and respected educators Peter McLaren, Joe Kincheloe, and Shirley Steinberg add their reflections on the relevance of Freires work to the study and practice of education across the globe.


2. Guardianbookshop.uk = GBP 13.99 (FREE DELIVERY)
3. Amazon.uk = $ 5.57 + $ 3.99 (SHIPPING)
4. Book Depository = GBP 11.76 (FREE DELIVERY)

Therefore, I opt for number 3 cause it is affordable!

Talking about reading, again, I prefer referring back to Sirah Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. The story of Prophet Muhammad's first encounter with Angel Gabriel reads as follows: One day while meditating in the cave of hira in the hills overlooking the city of Medina, he heard a voice call out Iqra (read). Shocked, surprised, unaware of where the voice came from he replied "I cannot read". He then felt a tight hug, then the voice again said Iqra. Again, he replied, "I cannot read" - after all, in that period of time very few could read and write, with knowledge be passed in the verbal tradition. The same happened again, after which Angel Gabriel said:

"Read, in the name of the God who created. Created man, out of a mere clot of congealed blood. Read and your Lord is Most Honorable. Who taught man to write with the pen. Taught man that which he knew not."

This important message, of education, of learning was pushed throughout the Muslim world, so much so that S.P. Scott, speaking of the Muslims (Moors) of Islamic Spain wrote:

"At a time when even (Christian) kings could not read or write, a Moorish king had a private library of six hundred thousand books. At a time when ninety-nine percent of the Christian people were wholly illiterate, the Moorish city of Cordova had eight hundred public schools, and there was not a village within the limits of the empire where the blessings of education could not be enjoyed by the children of the most indigent peasant, ...and it was difficult to encounter even a Moorish peasant who could not read and write."

Really interesting, isnt it? so, i need to force myself to read!!! Because through reading, you will conquer the world!

::Broke The Easter Break::

assalamualaikum...salam satu ummah! easter break is not really mean that i have been given a full time to sleep, eating in front of my lappy watching movie or tour around city centre every single minute even though theres 'SALE' everywhere.


last week, i went to uni with fizah, erin and aqilah. its quite weird to find uni in 'PEACE' without its so-called 'inhabitants' going here and there. its holiday, though. were doing our assignment for SLA. we need to record two different conversation between native speaker (NS) and non-native speaker (NNS) and the second one between NS and NS. the NS needs to describe a picture to NS and NNS separately. we just want to find the features of foreigner talk and the difference structures that has been used by NS to NS and NS to NNS in explaining something. its quite hard actually to find the people that willing to help us.

alhamdulillah, we managed to find one and guess what? they are Christians (not yet Muslim) from chaiplancy! they were really kinda helpful. this reminds me about Sirah Rasulullah S.A.W where a not yet Muslim person (i prefer to call like this instead of non-muslim), Abdullah bin Uraiqat, who helped Rasulullah S.A.W during 'hijrah'. ya who knows, at the end they will get the 'hidayah' rite? Allah is All-Knowing. Back to sirah, it tells us that many not yet Muslims gave shelter to and protected the Prophet and did not betray him, even when a majority of them were baying for his blood. Who can forget Abu Talib, Mut’am bin Adi, Abdullah bin Uraiqat, Suraqa, etc.? The Qur’an says,

“Among the People of the Book are some who, if entrusted with a hoard of gold, will (readily) pay it back.” (3:75)

“Among them are some who have faith.” (3:110)

“Not all of them are alike.” (3:113)

therefore, back in my country, Malaysia, its quite similar as the contacts are not just at the people-to-people, through individuals, groups, and non-governmental organisations. but also at the government-to-government level too. taking Pakatan Rakyat as an example, all the main leaders from different parties are from different religions but still they can live side by side and share common problems and have perforce to solve them through mutual cooperation and mutual understanding. indeed, Allah says in Surah Al-Hujurat, verse 13:

"O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things)."


before we went back, we went to the bookshop. theres a lot of books that really 'caught' my eyes. but looking at the price, i thought that its better if I just survey at Amazon or Bookdepository first. thinking of getting the affordable one. and just wanna share the pic that I took there. some editing...here and there...=)




assalamualaikum..salam satu ummah! sekadar perkongsian untuk kawan-kawan semua. maaf blog yang dah berhabuk ni kurang terisi pulak. semoga bermanfaat! insyaAllah...


Naqib merupakan seseorang yang memperkenalkan sesuatu kepada kaumnya iaitu merupakan maksud yang terdapat di dalam kamus. Apabila kita kembali menyorot sejarah Islam di mana seorang naqib iaitu Mus'ab b. Umair telah diperintahkan oleh Rasulullah s.a.w untuk memimpin 12 orang penduduk Madinah yang telah datang ke Mekah bagi memeterai perjanjian aqabah yang pertama.

Mus'ab bin Umair merupakan seorang naqib yang bertanggungjawab untuk melakukan proses dakwah dan tarbiyah di Madinah sehinggakan kedatangan Nabi Muhammad s.a.w ketika berhijrah ke sana di sambut dengan nyanyian nasyid tala'al badru. Betapa berjayanya seorang naqib apabila menjadikan anak usrahnya lebih mendekati Allah s.w.t. Proses tarbiah dan dakwah ini mempunyai perbezaannya yang tersendiri..

Dakwah - berasal dari perkataan da'ie iaitu mengajak dan menyeru
Tarbiyah - berasal dari perkataan rabb iaitu menjaga, mengawal, mentadbir dan menyusun

Ini bermakna dakwah perlu dilaksanakan oleh da'ie untuk memastikan agama Islam terus tertegak di bumi Allah.. Akan tetapi, seorang da'ie pula perlu menjalani proses tarbiah kerana tarbiyahlah yang akan membentuk dan melahirkan seorang da'ie..

Merujuk kepada al-Quran, terdapat beberapa proses tarbawi yang dilakukan kepada Nabi-Nabi seperti Nabi Musa a.s yang menjalani proses tarbiyah sebaik sahaja beliau dilahirkan sehinggakan beliau yang masih bayi terpaksa dihanyutkan di sungai.. Akhir sekali beliau telah terdampar di istana firaun yang menjadi medan tarbiyah beliau.. Selepas itu terdapat juga proses tarbiyah di mana Nabi Musa telah dipertemukan oleh Allah s.w.t dengan Nabi Khidir bagi mengasah sifat-sifat kenabiannya.. Selepas beberapa peristiwa yang dilalui oleh beliau, beliau telah kembali semula ke istana untuk menentang Firaun.

Proses dakwah ini boleh diperolehi ketika mendengar ceramah, forum dan lain-lain tetapi proses tarbiyah pula boleh diperolehi melalui usrah.Ini bermakna seorang naqib perlu memberi fokus kepada pendidikan anak usrah dan mengambil berat dari aspek kebajikan mereka. Sememangnya ciri seorang individu yang efektif ialah apabila kita meletakkan matlamat akhir di hadapan sebelum melakukan sebarang tindakan.

Menjaga mad'u seperti kita menjaga sebuah pokok. Untuk mendapatkan sebuah pokok yang baik, kita perlu :

1) menanam benih yang betul - Masakan kita teringin untuk mendapatkan hasil buah rambutan tetapi kita menanam benih pokok durian?? Pastinya yang akan tumbuh adalah pokok durian dan bukannya pokok rambutan seperti yang kita harapkan..

2) memberi baja yang sesuai - baja yang sesuai perlu bagi memberi kekuatan kepada pokok untuk hidup dengan lebih sihat dan baik.. Jika baja tidak diberi, kemungkinan pokok tidak subur dan lambat membesar..

3) Selain daripada kedua-dua perkara di atas, kita juga perlu menjaga pokok dari musuh-musuh yang dapat membantutkan pertumbuhannya seperti serangga, siput, pokok deduit dan lain-lain. Ia dapat dilakukan dengan mencantas musuh-musuh pokok tersebut serta menghindarkannya daripada benda-benda yang boleh merosakkannya..

Ketiga-tiga perkara di atas hanyalah analogi sahaja yang boleh diaplikasikan oleh naqib dalam menjaga mad'u masing-masing.

Manakala bagi mengatasi masalah yang terdapat di dalam usrah pula, naqib perlu menjadi seperti seorang doktor yang merawat pesakit seperti :

1) mengetahui punca penyakit yang menghalang proses normal seorang pesakit

2) Memastikan pesakit sentiasa sabar dan istiqamah ketika sedang menerima rawatan melalui kaedah-kaedah yang kreatif

3) Jangan terlalu mengikut kehendak pesakit yang boleh menambahkan kesakitan seperti seorang pesakit diabetis perlu dielakkan daripada makan makanan yang bergula

Untuk akhirnya beberapa pesanan yang perlu diambil berat oleh naqib ialah :

1) Ingatlah... kita semua adalah pendidik yang memberi pendidikan kepada diri sendiri dan orang lain.. perbezaan di antara pendidikan dan pembelajaran ialah pendidikan adalah untuk semua orang tetapi pembelajaran adalah khusus untuk guru dan murid sahaja..

2) Ingatlah... janganlah kita suka menghukum seseorang terlalu awal terutamanya kepada anak usrah kerana ia akan melunturkan semangat kita untuk mengubah mereka..

3) Ingatlah.. jadilah seorang naqib yang baik sehinggakan kita boleh memastikan sama ada anak usrah kita dapat melakukan qiamullail atau tahajjud dengan baik..

4) dan ape yang paling penting sentiasalah kita beristiqamah dalam mendengar pengisian-pengisian yang diadakan untuk para nuqaba' bagi menambahkan saqafah kita.. Kerana jika kita sendiri tidak beristiqamah, jangan harapkan anak usrah yang istiqamah juga dalam menghadiri usrah kita..


assalamualaikum..just wanna share some photos at NEXT Sheffield 2010. i really enjoyed the performances! love these photos coz they represent my first attempt in editing the photos! yaa. frankly speaking, im not really into kinda stuff.

location:: Firth Court, University of Sheffield

location:: in front of Sheffield Museum

location:: again..Sheffield Museum

Subhanallah walhamdulillah... All praises to Allah!

“Dia (Allah) adalah Pencipta langit dan bumi...” (Surah Asy-Syura:11)