assalamualaikum....alhamdulillah, segala puji bagi Allah S.W.T yang masih meneguhkan hati ini untuk berada di jalanNya, mengurniakan nikmat terbesar, iman dan Islam... selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar, Nabi Muhammad S.A.W beserta para sahabat yang telah berjuang fisabilillah sehingga Islam yang kita cintai mengharum di seluruh dunia serta tidak lupa buat semua pejuang agama ALLAH di mana sahaja berada. semoga berada dalam keredhaan Allah S.W.T.
hmm...'sedey', 'sad', 'hazan': those words keep distracting my mind...again n again..huhu..i miss my family very mom..hoho..the weather?? hmm, its getting colder now. Ive got sore throat, sometimes flu, huhu. "kifarah dosa"..but stil, i need to be strong, mom said so, my frens as well..don't give up! if those illnesses are not test from Allah, maybe i ll end up putting the blame on the destiny..nauzubillah, if it is not a "kifarah dosa", then maybe i cant be patient anymore..., "dakwah" is not for the people who are 'pampered', 'easy giving up just because of small things'. wake up, farahin!!! ..
Dari Abdullah bin Mas'ud r.a, Nabi s.a.w bersabda: "Tidak ada seseorang Islam yang ditimpakan sesuatu yang menyakiti, iaitu penyakit atau lainnya, melainkan Allah gugurkan dengan sebab itu dosa-dosanya, sebagaimana pokok menggugurkan daunnya (pada musimnya yang tertentu)."
Subhanallah..the scenery outside the prayer hall (the first week i arrived)
the same tree...but lets take a look at the leaves. its getting lesser as the season starts to change
looking at both photos makes me realize that time is keep going...of course, it will not wait for me. its almost 3 months here. hmm, the holiday for term 1 is already started. next year, im gonna continue for the second term. besides, im twenty now. this year is quite different for me as i have celebrated my birthday n eid mubarak wif my friends. no any family members around..quite sad but i just bear in mind! my journey as a student here is also will be counted as a 'jihad' as well, insyaAllah..time changes..the age increases..huhu...amalan???
p/s: sorry..memang malaih sangat nak menulih skrang..ya Allah berilah kekuatan!!
p/s: sorry..memang malaih sangat nak menulih skrang..ya Allah berilah kekuatan!!
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